I'm going to be unsurprised in 90 days. What else should i say? Her blog is not a cry for help but rather to get attention. It's simply a public record of what she hopes will be her 90 days of fame. She may or may not be depressed, but her daddy didn't hug her or something so she wants her blog to get a million hits. But, does it really have to? I mean, as someone with an iota of intellect I know blogs have no purpose. My generation has had no great depression, no great war and our biggest obstacle is hating on gamers. So, if she feels like saying "game over" (GET IT?! CAUSE OF THE HALO THINK? ROFLMAO! UR2CUTE!), why can't she cheapen actual suicides? Anyway, I hope you enjoy watching her talk about herself for three solid months.