We had American Homeshield in our last home, and I'm glad we did. There were a few times when the service was slow to respond, but after a call to American Homeshield to complain all was okay. We were living in an older home and throughout the seven years we had many repairs, and all we paid was a small fee. We also got a new A/C system out of it. A big help to us were the service people. They would check out the problem, and then they told us what to say to American Homeshield in order to get the most repairs for next to nothing. Sometimes it took several service calls with repairs to the same item to get a replacement, but we eventually did. They saved us a lot of money. But things are different in different areas, so go with the experience of people who have used AH where you live.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.