I think everybody receiving welfare should be drug tested occasionally. If I'm helping to pay for their existence then I want to be sure that they're not spending my money on drugs and other stupid shit. Ideally (if we had the manpower) I'd have welfare recipients itemize and document every expense paid for with their welfare money. Welfare is great for those that truly deserve it but many, many people abuse it.
A former coworker of mine lived off welfare as she had a slew of children, all by different fathers. She worked about 20 hours a week making $7/hour, yet she still had a Louis Vuitton diaper bag. She was also know to enjoy a fair amount of pot. I sure was glad to see my hard-earned money going towards her children. Riiiiiiight.
I, like ustwo, have little sympathy for the many people on welfare who are abusing the system, not even trying to get out.
"I'm sorry, all I heard was blah blah blah, I'm a dirty tramp."