Originally Posted by willravel
If we're not talking about rape (which shouldn't be included in this thread, frankly), then she is just as responsible as the man for having sex. More so, actually, as sociologically speaking the woman more often is the one who decides where or not sex is going to happen. If a man who has consensual sex with a woman must be responsible for the child, why not the woman?
I'm not talking about rape. I'm talking about the possible legal coercion of women to stay attached to men they want or need to stay away from. I could see a law like this easily being used to control and manipulate women in unhealthy relationships.
Originally Posted by Rekna
I think the father should have the right to say "I want you to have this baby, i'll pay for the pregnancy (bills and lost wages) but after word I have full custody of the baby and the mother must sign away all her rights to the baby.
This does not take into consideration the considerable emotional effects of bearing and having a child. And what if the father cannot afford to do these things and still wants the baby? Or, is this going to be a law designed for the privileged?
I think life sometimes just isn't fair. And if men want to have children, they need to find someone who wants to have them with them. Last time I checked I didn't notice any shortage of kids running around. Pushing an issue like this will only be detrimental to women's rights to privacy and control of their reproductive systems. Backwards.
Originally Posted by JinnKai
I agree with the "sperm is a gift" sentiment, such that it's no longer your property and you have no claim to it, just as you wouldn't have claim to own part of a person after you spit on them.
What I do think should occur, however, is that the father should be able to provide a signed Statement of Intent prior to the second trimester of pregnancy.
He can either declare his intent to support the child to term and until the age of 18 or declare his intent to NOT support the child until adulthood.
Armed with this information, if the woman decides to conceive, she will be very well aware of the potential consequences. Knowing that there is a signed statement of intent to NOT support the child, she may be more inclined to not bring the child to term. If she does, though, and the man has declared intent to support, then he should be legally liable for support.
In my mind, a man only has rights to a fetus after he has declared intent to support.
Really this is something that should be discussed informally by people having sex, but in the event of a one-night stand that results in pregnancy, a legal Declaration of Intent would suffice.
I would agree to this.