Originally Posted by LCfedup
I'd have her look into the patch. I'm pretty sure a lot of doctors won't prescribe it anymore because of the side effects. I thought they had taken it off the market and one of my friends tried to use it awhile back and had some really bad mood swings and felt "odd" while she was using it.
As far as the sexual side of it, my roomie has admitted that she doesn't like oral either. She says she thinks its weird and it grosses her out to think of all the germs. I have tried to tell her that if the people are clean then there is no problem but she still can't get over the way she feels. So I don't thing your girlfriend is alone in her thoughts.
The patch was never taken off the market. Since it has higher levels of hormones, however, it can slightly increase the risk of blood clots compared to other forms of hormonal BC. Smokers and those prone to blood clots should avoid it. If you're healthy, it shouldn't matter.
But LCfedup may have a point: perhaps taking her off of The Patch would help the situation a little bit. Maybe put her on Yaz or OTC-low (or some other low-dose hormonal BC). It could be that her BC is taking what little sex drive she may have had and squelching it. *shrug* Just a thought.
I also agree with what others are saying about the body image thing. Has she considered counseling? Most universities will give you a few sessions for free, and each session thereafter is pretty darn cheap.
Honestly, if you can't be physically intimate in an exclusive relationship with a woman that you love.... that's a huge red flag. Sexual intimacy is a HUGE part of any relationship and I bet 99% of TFPers will agree with me when I say that lack of sexual intimacy will ultimately DOOM a relationship. I can say that from experience.
Good luck