1 - Do you love it or do you avoid it? - I love it, unless there is something I'm unsure about. When I have a doubt about a product, or I just want to FEEL it, I prefer a "brick and mortar" kind of place.
2 - What are your reasons for doing so? - Convenience
3 - What sites do you prefer and why? - Newegg. I'm a computer nerd, and they have an established reputation.
4 - Is there anything that convinced you to buy something when you normally wouldn't? (Evil question, I know.) - Nothing comes to mind.
5 - Are there any website features that you enjoy that help you shop? - I'm a HUGE believer in "KISS" (keep it simple, silly).
6 - How do you research what you are going to buy? - Consumer reviews on various websites.
7 - What kind of products do you buy? Electronics? Media? Clothes? - Computer related
8 - What's the most "personal" (something that you're picky about and usually need to check out in person before you buy) item that you've purchased online? - Lingerie