Originally Posted by kutulu
Says you. I'm sure there are a lot of people who think they are completely unaffected by advertising.
See I don't know, that's why I asked. I just truly am curious how much advertising truly works.
Personally, I'm boring and predictable when it comes to my buying habits.
Diet Pepsi products... usually Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Pepsi One (when I can find it), Dr. Pepper (actually a 7-Up/Dr. Pepper product but distributed in this area by Pepsi). Coke products are always way too carbonated for me.
I use ALL laundry detergent because Lady Sage is allergic to Tide (which was always my choice before marriage).
I like Proctor and Gamble items over Colgate-Palmolive, Dial, SC Johnson, Lever Bros, etc. Crest is my favorite toothpaste, Scope is my favorite mouthwash, etc. But if price is extremely different, I'll buy Pepsodent or Colgate.... I'll buy Listerine (I do appreciate and like their breath strips).
Candy.... I prefer Hershey's chocolate, but every now and then I'll buy Skittles.
I like Dorito's, not fond of Lay's or Ruffles but I like Pringle's (also a P&G brand). I also like Snyder's of Berlin.
The shoes I buy are determined not by the ads but buy price and style, do I like the style..... (I loved Ponys and if I could find them, I would only buy Ponys... but alas, they seem to have vanished so I'm stuck with Reebok/Adidas/USPolo (those are my last 3 buys.... I'm liking Adidas because they seem to last longest and stay the most comfortable longest. Every time I bought Nike they fell apart within 3 months and are too expensive.
Jeans, I like Levi's but find Wrangler cheaper and better fit, but I'll buy Arizona Jean company jeans if I find them. Although Levi's Dockers are the shit for work (have to wear dress pants at work).
Value City offers name brand clothes at discount prices and when I need jeans or tennys, I stop by there first.
Originally Posted by Kaimi
True, very true. Good customer service does go a long way. However, how many people go directly to the manufacturer to purchase their jeans, sodas or frankly most products that exist? Will these advertisements influence me? Probably not, however if I were 13 years old, impressionable and my life was revolving around what is fashionable it is possible.
Customer service and price go a long way with me. I like Speedway for gas, I find 99% of the time they have friendly people working there and offer the best selections for the best prices..... gas is gas and the prices are pretty much the same at the BP/CircleK/etc in the same neighboring area, but they always have shitty people, they are filthy and they just rape you on the prices of sodas, chips, ciggies, etc.
Customer service also decides what restaurants I go to. Chipotle not only has great food but the best service around here. BW3 although I love their wings (especially the parm-garlic) their service sucks. Applebee's the service sucks, TGIFridays the service is great.
Same with electronics stores.... Best Buy the service is superb, Circuit City never has what I want and always tries to sell me something I don't want.
Lowe's can have 6 workers in my area and when I ask for help not 1 is willing to. I go to Home Depot.... I get waited on, my questions answered and they seem to appreciate my business.
Advertising doesn't affect these opinions I have of these companies.
I prefer Target over Wal*Mart because I know Target has a better rep concerning employees and pay. However, Wal*Mart is closer and more convienent for me, unfortunately.
I like outlet malls, I'll shop around and buy products I like from the manufacturers stores there.
What I'm getting at is I'm cheap and set in my buying habits.
An ad telling me that "Red Lobster brings out the seafood lover in me" may have a nice ring to it, but in the end if the food sucks and service sucks last time or 2 I was there.....I'll let someone else bring the seafood lover out in me.... unless Red Lobster is running the all you can eat shrimp deal.
I don't know, it just seems to me people are usually set in their ways and ads other than getting the product name in the news don't seem to affect much.
A few may.... "Where's the Beef" really built Wendy's up.... but their product and style kept the people coming back.