Fucking ID wrecks my buzz. I currently do not posess a drivers licence or a passport and you would not believe the fucking hassle I have trying to apply for jobs and stuff. What cracks me up to apply for ID like a drivers licence or a passport you need ID. I personally think it is a pile of bollocks, more beaurocracy to make it difficult for people to get on with their lives. I have to pay over £80 for a passport and £45 for a drivers licence (times that by 2 for dollars). I'm currently unemployed and my benefits work out at £45 a week. It is fucking stupid.
I believe all identification should be free. It is unfair that goverment requirement should cost an individual his/her chance to vote, obtain employment or leave or enter their country. Both the US and UK can afford to spend a massive amount of their budget 'liberating' other countries, however they charge their own citizens for ID, essential in participating within a 'liberal society'.
It probably would help voter fraud, if you had to present photographic ID but if that is the case the identification shouldn't cost the individual.