<B><I>No Country For Old Men</I></B> <B>10/10</B>
The best movie of 2007 without a doubt. This movie is about as close to a masterpiece as you can get. The Coen Brothers' directing, cinematography and script are perfect. The big trio really set this movie apart from anything else...Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), and Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) all deliver performances that don't even seem like performances. You consider for a moment that maybe they're not acting, maybe this is a documentary.
Absolute raw suspense is governed by the Anton Chigurh character who will be known through the history of cinema as one of the most disturbing and frightening killers. Two characters having a seemingly innocent conversation that is actually laden with whether or not death is about to occur. A sense of dread that I haven't felt since Children of Men.
This movie will leave you thinking about it for weeks after you see it. I wouldn't change one single thing about this movie if given the chance. Perfection.
<B><I>Juno</I></B> <B>9/10</B>
A very, very good movie. Hell, I would even say it's a great movie simply because the directors and Juno (Ellen Page) perfectly executed how to make a comedy with well-scripted drama. Who knew that Jennifer Garner could act?
The parents have realistic questions, comments, and sympathies instead of being Generic Teenager Parents That Get Real MadŽ. The adopting couple are freaking weird in a good way...a realistic way. Then you realize that Jennifer Garner's character is possibly the most pure character in the entire movie after the movie's best scene (when Juno lets Garner's character feel the baby kick).
What's keeping it from a 10/10? Well, I personally hated the Rainn Wilson scene. It didn't flow with the movie and I was very glad that he didn't appear anywhere else. Also, a VERY small amount of the dialogue was trying too hard to capture how teenagers talk. I realize that teenagers really do talk that (excuse my politically incorrectness) retarded, but a few small phrases were too over the top.
Great movie for any mature audience. It accomplishes what Superbad and Knocked Up tried (and almost succeeded) to do: mix the best of comedy and the best of drama together seamlessly.