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Old 12-28-2007, 11:20 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Well, it would be extremely difficult to kill yourself while ducking into your car of your own power. My impression was that the skull fracture came from the blast wave of the explosion knocking her head back onto the sunroof. In fact, assuming the bomb went off while she was still exposed from the top of the car (and this much I've heard repeatedly on independent Pakistani television starting only a few hours after the incident), it isn't possible for her to have escaped the blast wave at that range.

So from a technical perspective, the skull fracture story adds up. It is also confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses that shots were fired before the explosion. Whether or not Benazir was hit by these shots remains an open question (from what I read, the attacker was up to 50m away, and the suspected gun [shown on Pak television] is a handgun, so I would actually be surprised if he managed to hit her).

I haven't yet seen any evidence that the information about her cause of death is politically motivated.

As for an autopsy, it is not forbidden in Islam, although it might be looked upon kind of strangely. The larger point is that I don't think her supporters would allow her body to be 'desecrated' in that way, and last I heard the body had already arrived at the family mausoleum to be buried, so that's probably the end of that.
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