Originally Posted by willravel
No one said anything about faith, but if you hold a gun to someone, just hold it, not open fire, you actually stand a chance of finding out his or her intentions. But who wants that? Kill the fucker! He's going to rape and kill everyone!
like moot and crompsin said, without generalizing, most peacable gun owners aren't inclined to blast away with abandon. I know that if I were to confront someone in my own home and I point my weapon at him, whether I pull the trigger or not is completely up to said intruder. If he makes for the door or window to get the hell out of my house, I won't pull the trigger. If he stands as still as lincoln in his monumental chair while the police arrive, I won't pull the trigger. If he makes any other move that I decide is threatening to me or my family (being my house and I'm holding the gun, I get to decide), I'm going to pull the trigger, probably twice, maybe three times.
Originally Posted by HedwigStrange
You know what really sucks about killing in self defense: most women aren't taught how to do it!
As I read this thread, being the over-analyzing feminist cow that I am, I noticed a trend. Young daughters and "little" wives seem to come up rather a lot as subjects of defense. Now, I'm sure that you all are nice, enlightened people. Maybe you've just caught a particularly resistant strain of patriarchalsocietitis. I say this because none of you seem to have realized that the best way to defend women is to give them the means to defend themselves. Enough quibbling over how you should decide whether or not an intruder intends to rape your loved ones. Circumvent the problem by training women to defend themselves. Then if the intruder tries to pull her pants off, your little wife can blow off his head, instead of waiting for you to play he-man defender-of-the-family.
I would absolutely love to teach my spouse how to defend herself. All she has to do is change her mind and ask me. As it stands right now, she believes that all she can do in the face of terror is freeze up.