Originally Posted by xepherys
I see your point, but I also think there are gross inaccuracies with such statistics in less developed areas of the world.
You won't find disagreement with me on that point. However, population estimates do have to start somewhere, and I don't think the estimates are so grossly inaccurate that they are not useful for discussion.
Originally Posted by xepherys
As my last post mentioned, I conceded that it wasn't likely Islam itself, but many of the cultures that embrace Islam.
I can understand where you are coming from on that, though I may not agree with it completely. For me, it is more a matter of political-economy that explains the behavior of those groups of people, not "culture" per se. But yes, not all cultures are healthy, that's clear. How to judge cultural health objectively, however (that is, not with the bias of our own Western context), is a very muddy matter... which is why I am not going to go further into this discussion.