Thread: new Pan Poetry
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Old 12-08-2007, 01:27 AM   #21 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Poems inspired by LENNON:

Does it ever really matter in the end
What was to be the intent

The governments on people prey
And for the interest of the giant corporations lay

What's left to believe in any more
The press feasts on heroes like never before

The people read about it every day
Why did you hear what the starlet and about her drunken spree had to say

We say we live life so idealistically
Yet into minivans and SUV's we jump into so hypocritically

What happened to those dreams in the 60's of a better world for you and me
Those days are gone blind eyes we turn so as not to see

People died for their beliefs so that a better world there'd be
But we sold our souls to buy toys from companies polluting the sea

There is no such thing as from society getting away
They have taken away our wills and censored what we can say

Those with ideas and visions of a better place
Are ridiculed, thought nuts and treated as a disgrace

We listen as the politicians speak wanting to find belief
But they destroy the common man's faith and feed the wealthy relief

There are no sanctuaries anymore
For government hides behind everyone's door

We must stand up, not back down and say enough in a voice for all to hear
the pain
For if we remain silent and let our cries die down....... those who fought, those who dreamt shall all have died in vain

I was walking through the park one sunny day
When a man came up to me and had something to say
Why did this crazy man choose me and on such a beautiful day
But as is my nature I listened and this is what he had to say

The world is coming to an end
The sky is falling chicken little no time for it to mend
Get your affairs in order and money never lend
Be ready your house and family to defend

Then for some inexplicable reason he stole my wallet and my shoes
I'm sure you read about it in the news
He was the man who died singing the blues
And as for his identity he never left any clues

I was driving my car on a sunny day
Thinking I was safer, when a man let himself in and never asked if he may
Well, as is my nature I listened to what he had to say
And I still don't understand what he said to this day

He said we had gone too far
That the Ozone was depleted and the Earth would char
He said something about how man on nature had left an unhealing scar
Then he kicked me out and took off in my car

I'm sure you read about it
For days I had a fit
What would cause a man to lose all his wit
Had he taken too much shit

I left home on a gloomy day
In my tank feeling safe for this now was truly a safe way
But the weirdest thing seemed to happen on that day
It was I who had something I needed to say

So I headed out to find someone
When suddenly I was where I had begun
And to this day I wonder what I had done
To deserve a fate of being the the man who was mentally gone

I got Levi's and a Coke
I have a stereo and tv run by remote

I have 70 channels of the same mind numbing crap to see
And I have internet saying it's free

But my boss pays me less than my father made
And my wages are spent before I get paid

I have a house in the neighborhood I grew up
And an equity loan that has gotten me tied up

I want to do better for my kids than my dad
Yet I look around and the future looks so sad

They're destroying Mother Nature and the air
And the rich play games with me as they sit in a leather chair

The oceans are turning into one big dead sea
And government turns it's back on people like me

I got an HMO yet my health still is declining
And I wonder who's pocket my wages are lining

I got the media saying it's this person's fault
As they are the one's who forever have money in the vault

So I'll sit here with my smile and take my Prozac
It'll still be my will under attack

I look in the mirror not proud of what I see
For in the end I taught the children to become a zombie like me

Life is a series of going places
Saying hello and goodbye to so many faces
Trying hard to just make it through day to day
Hoping yet not the piper to pay

Two came preaching of peace
Of their lives they gave mankind a piece
But mankind wasn't ready to listen
Violence and hated came instead of kissin

It is of CHRIST and LENNON I talk
With whom someday I wish to walk
CHRIST only said "believe in him and love
And with God you'll get a chance above"
Lennon sang "all you need is love and give peace a chance"
And together all mankind can dance

But close minded societies did persecute
While it was society we should prosecute
A crown made of thorn
A bullet making a generation mourn
That's all they received
While those who persecuted society they deceived

We may never see their kind again
Which is sad but not the end
For we can still believe in what they said
And our love will never lay dead

Where have the dreamers gone
What of the jobs left undone
Where is the love
Taught by men sent from above

Why did we forget GIVE PEACE A CHANCE
We traded in that for one last dance
What happened to LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED
We turned it into corporate greed

Where are the idealistic men
Who taught love and sharing
Jesus, Gandhi, Lennon we made martyrs of them
And now we forget the peace and caring

Were flower power and peace marketing ploys
So we could buy more destructive toys
Have we lost the ways
And decided to just go nuts these last days

Where is the hope
Of a brotherhood of man
Where we all help each other cope
Will we ever see these ideas again

A man wrote love thy neighbor
As a man said imagine
Yet it seems for man it will forever be unfinished labor
And those words seem to mean nothing to the politician or marketing man

So I shall plod along
Looking to these men for knowledge and hope
And I shall walk the best I can singing a KINKS song
And finding peace in my thoughts so with the greed I can cope
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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