Cutting my hair off *HAIR IS GONE!*
OK all, I have had long hair for about 4 or 5 years now. I am almost done my schooling and am about to get a real job so I want a real haircut to go along with it.
For all you fashion trendy people or people who have any sense of style whatsoever I would appreciate it if you would be able to give me an opinion on what I should do with it. Or maybe even a photoshop of me with the hair.
I honestly don't want to cut it as I really like it and it keeps me warm in the cold weather. But I figure a nice career is much nicer than a full head of hair.
**I am going to be a Petroleum Engineering Technologist... so I might have to look nice. For now I want to work in the field so it could potentially be a safety factor, but I generally wear it in a pony tail anyways.***
**New Picture, this is the official before picture**
Last edited by blahblah454; 12-08-2007 at 01:16 PM..