I'm not a furry guy and thus I have rather tame facial hair. Being a full time college student, I don't have to shave at all... I could go Jesus on society any day.
Because science has proven time and time again that women don't find the Unabomber / Branch Davidian look all that appealing, I typically shave on Fridays, though it is either after one or two weeks. I went a month a few times since being back. It was a pretty hairy situation.
As 4 years of military service taught me: Shaving every day is brutal on the face. I like the feel of a few days worth of stubble. Keeps me in touch with my inner caveman.
I use a plain old Mach 3 and a cheap Remington electric when I do brutalize my mug.
Originally Posted by roachboy
Like garlic to vampires.
Shaving is something THE MAN requires to tame us. Just tryin' to keep a brother down.