Originally Posted by Ustwo
There is only one regular female poster that wouldn't be identifiable as female that I can think of.
Is it the same user that was mentioned but never actually identified as a democratic operative in another thread?
Man these inside knowledge tidbits gnaw at my soul..being so out of the loop as I am. Mostly my own doing of course. All the alienating and disgruntledness....not to mention no more company provided internet connectivity, hardware, and the time available while managing a well oiled IT engineering crew.
None the less:
I came from fark for the porn and used it quite frequently. Grew into a mildly provocative commentor, beared my heart and soul a bit, then quit driving a desk in an office, cashed it all in, bought a small farm, a few animals, started a small consulting business, and generally have been having the time of life. Contributions and porn usage have dwindled.
Plus, aside from wayside for its curiosity factor, honestly this is not the place for cream of the crop skin chafing porn....let's be real. Far better, far more extensive, and just as reasonably priced porn is but a tappity tap tap dot com away.
If it brings in the interesting folks keep it. If i doesn't get rid of it.
I've read quite a bit in this townhall that MANY regular, popular, interesting, and thought provoking members DO NOT refer anyone here because of the porn. I've always relied heavily on referrals, for everything I've ever done successfully....and I've always been VERY weary of the referrals from the
socially unacceptable.
Tough call...I've never relied on porn to build or sustain anything.
Gut says...get rid of it.