Originally Posted by willravel
Arguing just to argue, eh? Mkay.
The several hundred years following the fall of an empire? Check.
War torn? Check.
Rule by radical religious people? Check.
Ultra powerful church? Check.
Impoverished? Check.
Peasant/farmer militias? Check
Crusades? Check.
I actually completely agree with you on the timeline. Islam was founded ~650 years after Christianity, and this kind of stuff was happening in Europe in the 1300s.
However, one thing we need to remember is that the world itself is completely different. Back then, you could go through a regional religious transformation and not have it effect the greater world community very much (outside of the occasional crusade). Now, with the way the world as a whole is connected, the problems there create major problems elsewhere.
We really can't afford to wait them out for the next hundred-plus years, because by then it could be too late for not millions, but billions.
I don't know what CAN be done, but something HAS to be done.