I'm on Day 3 of the Starter Pak. Early yet, but so far so good.
Having done it all in past attempts as a longtime smoker, including but not limited to hypnotism, laser treatments, and the usual, I did want to mention something that I felt was truly amazing.
I stumbled upon this quite by accident in a post on another forum and, based on reviews at amazon, decided to buy this book:
I read it in two days and had my final cigarette during the final chapter of the book. Did not miss it; did not crave it; I felt wonderful. So why am I here?
Well, it was one of those incidents that gets you back to smoking when you've quit for nearly two weeks. I keep talking about reading it again and being stronger on those setbacks. Had a doctor's appointment this past Monday and decided to ask for the script. *shrug*
My thought is to read the book again this weekend. Makes it easy, truly. The book, through suggestion and repetition, makes you see and feel that you're not quitting -- there's no "giving up" here. It's all about what's good, what we've been told over and over by pharmaceutical companies, ad agencies and our own government (oh really?

) and it really turns on some lights and is extremely effective.
That being said, due to my little indiscretion (lighting up in the face of adversity) I decided the combination of the two ought to be awesome!
I just wanted to suggest the book to those of you who may feel they need just a little more help.
Anyway, good luck to us all!