Originally Posted by willravel
A healthy, well adjusted person emerges from the doctor's office, and then goes to prison a bit with a full understanding of what he or she did.

Originally Posted by willravel
Prisons are intended to be places of rehabilitation; a big time out. The idea was to punish and isolate to allow for self reflection.
I disagree with that.
may serve as rehabilitation, in
some cases. But, I think that the primary purpose of prison is to remove a dangerous person from the street. If you want to call it a warehouse, then that's fine, I guess. I don't really care much about that.
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
It offends me every day there is a person still breathing that was in our family that murdered someone sitting around getting 3 meals a day, not having to do a damn thing but sit on his ass all day
OK...what if prison work farms were reinstated, and said murderer had to bust his ass, to earn his keep, for the rest of his life?