Thread: child custody?
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Old 11-20-2007, 12:28 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: San Antonio, TX
K needs a family law lawyer. She could also try to 'go it alone', but I wouldn't recommend it. Get a professional. The lawyer can go through her options based upon her situation and the laws of her state. She should start documenting now, if she hasn't already. Simply a notebook with a written record of 'S did such-and-such at such-and-such a time, and other person X was present.' The blowjob incident will probably not go over very well with a judge, especially if it is backed up by testimony of the woman who gave the BJ. Most judges, upon hearing that, will happily throw the book at S. On the other hand, most judges are going to very much be in favor of having both parents involved in the kid's life, so getting sole custody is fairly unlikely, unless K comes off as a complete loser in court. Most likely it will be a shared arrangement, somewhere between '2 weekends a month' and 'half time for each parent'.

Regarding the child support - if he's got visitation every other weekend, he damn well still owes child support. Just spending a token amount of time with the child does *not* magically make child support responsibilities go away. At least in most states I've heard about, child support is based upon a percentage of time the non-custodial parent spends with the child.

I agree with The_Jazz about the restraining order - something else must have gone on there. If she can get the BJ-giver to go to court and tell the truth about that situation, that would be good.

As for what river_ratii said - unless K has a court order, or S is a danger to the child (preferably documented), or S refuses (preferably in a documented way) to spend any time with the child, she should *not* refuse to let him see her. Judges frown on that big time.

Get. A. Lawyer.
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