power tools. I am a power tool junkie. You should see the circular saw I got for Christmas and the big power drill I got for Mother's Day. That thing has levels, looks nifty, and sticks holes in almost anything. It's a real killer.
books. mostly mystery, a few romantic comedies, books on writing.
scents. I have a collection of perfumes. Also, I don't know if this is "collecting" because I use them up, but I have 7 different scents of dishwashing soap in my kitchen, a few scented lotions, a row of scented air fresheners. I'm not even going to go count the number of scented bath/body washes I have.
music. I have so many cd's I am thankful I can change them to mp3's now and get rid of the cd's. I finally parted with my large collection of 45's a couple of years ago, when I no longer had anything to play them on.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe