It's too easy for me to collect almost anything. I still have my coin collection that I started about 50 years ago. I have a decent record collection in LP's that play on a turntable. I have a pocket knife collection, but it's expanding into knives you couldn't fit into your pocket. Books?... if I get a book I can't possibly throw it away, that seems like a sacrilege. So almost anything, if it looks cool to me I save it. Every part I've ever taken off my car during the process of building it up to ~600hp and roadracing capability I still have in my garage and basement. I collect magazines for a while, but then eventually edit them out and only keep the really interesting ones; most I throw away after a few months of collecting dust, though the dust usually gets blown off and stays in my collection. Even after all this my house is not really too cluttered yet so I'm continuing on. And I figure it might be genetic, since my younger son, now 11yo, is a collecting freak; everything he gets he has to have in numerous quantities in every color, shape, etc. He almost never buys just one of anything, it's always bulk or at least one of each variety.