Originally Posted by Ustwo
Actually I didn't, but I found your story more pathetically sad then the inspiring tale it was intended to be. A very young man works on setting up a tent for a revival, and gets so moved he spends his life as a bum, for 14 years, spreading the word. It seems like a mental illness to me, and thats not even approaching it as an atheist.
I didn't intend it to be anything more than a just a story. Different people will take it different ways.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Yes, he was, good for him.
We agree, wow.......
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Every president has 'blood' on their hands, with men dying at their orders, and they all 'claimed' to be Christians. If everyone in the country acted like our vagabond friend, we would no longer exist as a nation, and be someones political bitch (who's would just depend on when this conversion to vagabond Christiandom happened).
Once again you assume way to much. Everybody wont have the same calling.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
This does highlight a thought I've had for a long time though. Christianity taken literally, makes you a good loser, but still a loser. The feeling you get is you should be embarrassed about your strengths. Luckily for us in the West, it wasn't really taken seriously, I'd much rather be a member of the conquerors than the conquered.
Yes Indeed, God forbid we ever give up out barbaric ways and live in peace.