Originally Posted by Ustwo
Mondak I've always respected your posting, so I was a little surprised you were in on the candling side, but you just showed why I felt you were worthy of that respect in the first place
Very kind words that really mean a lot to me. Thanks.
I am very capable of being wrong. If I were not, I would be just as bad as those who cause me the most frustration in my walk in life. A model for me being wrong usually follows the same patten. There is nothing wrong with my logic, only a problem with my premises. With the ear candle thing, I saw what I thought was ear wax in the spent casing and therefore thought there was no further investigation needed. My logic was fine - just that there was a problem with my premises.
This is not to be confused (although it often is) with another defining character trait of mine: an almost complete lack of compromise. Because someone "feels" a certain way does not make it true. Most compromise appears to me to be something like the following:
Person_X: The Sky is yellow
Mondak: No it is blue - please go outside and look up.
Person_X: I believe it is yellow and therefore don't need to go outside. You believe it is blue but who can know what is right. Lets agree to call it green.
Mondak: No - it is blue based on observable evidence
Person_X: you are an unreasonable (Jerk, ass, whatever fits)
I don't really care what that person thinks, but I can't seem to find it in me to "agree to disagree" or to let some fallacy be accepted by my silent "approval". This does not lead to an easy path in life to say the least.