My student loans and credit cards would be paid off, money we borrowed from family to pay bill would be paid back, 6 months of mortgage payments would sit in a high-yield savings account with the payment being automatically deducted every month, and the rest would go into 6 o 12 month CDs, whichever had a higher return rate at the time. Every 6 months, the CD would pay out and the cost of the next 6 months of mortgage payments would drop into the savings account. This would keep us going until I graduate and can support my family, and hopefully move out within two years.
Originally Posted by willravel
At $4k per kilo, $100k = 25 kilos. That's more than enough to start a very lucrative business in illegal drug sales. I'm sure that $100k could easily become $1m so long as you're able to find trustworthy distributers and work smart. Reinvesting that again, one could become very rich, assuming one is familiar with police tactics against drug dealers.
It represents high levels of both risk and reward.
You have absolutely no idea how much cocaine costs, do you?