Originally Posted by james t kirk
Man, you Americans are so hardcore when it comes to sex. I can't believe what I am reading here for the most part.
I think of all of my friends, and other than one judgemental guy I know, none of them have ever made any similar statements as to what I am reading here. I can recall more than a few dinner parties I have attended where the conversation turns to sex after a few red wines and the explicit stories about past experiences flow and no-one EVER lays out the kind of judgement I am reading here.
Must be a Canadian thing that we are way more laid back when it comes to sex than Americans. We certainly don't run around quoting the bible (none of us go to church - we'd probably just spontaneously combust anyway.)
I don't think it's just Canada, Europe is like that too, which I why I always enjoy myself there. This thread could easily be tied into the one about modern media devalues sex though.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.
Last edited by cadre; 11-09-2007 at 07:45 PM..