Originally Posted by willravel
If someone is scared about getting shot at school, kevlar vests are available to anyone without a permit or training. And you can't get killed by a kevlar vest. That's defensive. Bringing a gun is not defensive, but offensive.
kevlar doesn't help when you're lined up face forward against the wall waiting to be shot in the back of the head. kevlar is protective, not defensive. defense requires an ability to protect yourself with force. Protection is nothing more than having something between yourself and the danger.
Originally Posted by willravel
You must know how these things work, considering you have so many articles about armed lawbreakers. If you're in a gun fight with a police officer or officers, there's a reasonable chance you'll survive even if shot. Him blowing off his head didn't have the same chances of survival by far.
I read lots of stories about violent encounters with police. 8 out of 10 times, the perp usually ends up dead. if 20% is reasonable to you, then i'm worried.
Originally Posted by willravel
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get guns a mistrial due to inadequate council. Knifes in prison? You mean shanks that aren't really knives? And what guns? And what does prison have to do with school?
not shanks, knives....and guns. Just earlier this year there was a big story about how they found an actual .25 caliber handgun in an inmates cell. He got it from a prison guard, not stole it, but it was given to him. and I compared prisons to schools because you recommended fences, gates, and guards. just like a prison.
Originally Posted by willravel
So I guess colleges don't have campus security and police... You make your case weaker by exaggerating and using misinformation.
don't be foolish and take a statement so literally. campuses might have police, usually unarmed police, but as I've pointed out numerous times (of which people still don't 'get it') that the educational facility staff is not going to be held liable if you are killed on campus, while at the same time denying you the means to protect yourself. In other words, you're fucked either way. you can't carry for defense and the college doesn't have to provide you with security.
Originally Posted by willravel
You're misusing the word defending. Again.
no, you're trying to redefine words you don't like. again.