Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
^And people say there isn't a distinct anti-Christian air to TFP. Tsk tsk tsk...
Makes me wonder what that had to do with the OP, other than to take a potshot at the Bible.
Oh, Infinite_Loser, you're so edgy and controversial!
Every time I see you give someone shit for no reason whatsoever, it makes me so happy that I pee a little.
You're a teenager; "running out" of testosterone likely can't happen. Yes, there can be such a thing as too much masturbation, and maybe 6 times a week is too much for you.
When working out, some people are just going to hit a bit of a glass ceiling. You need to make sure you've got a healthy diet and are getting plenty of protein. Keep it up, though, because sometimes you can hit that glass ceiling for a while and then suddenly break though it.
Also, you can't work some muscles and neglect all the rest. Are you running or doing any other kind of cardio workout?