I also wish you an enthusiastic welcome, Rogue Element. It's a rare thing that one of host's topics is treated respectfully with a response that carries the discussion forward.
I believe our lack of an even handed foreign policy in the Middle East has had a direct impact on our economy, specifically because of our oil dependency. Our unwavering support of Israel has allowed the Palestinian issue to fester for decades and has won us nothing but resentment and distrust in the region. We treat the Arab and Persian nation states as some unworthy "other" which somehow justifies our intent to steal their resources. Our current occupation of Iraq and our escalating rhetoric toward Iran has directly impacted oil prices. Had we been honest brokers in the region from the beginning, these countries would be trading partners rather than "evil" as Bush has painted them.
This thought may go too far astray from the OP, but I believe our unwavering support of Saudia Arabia has also had serious consequences to our well being as a nation. Our relationship with the House of Saud has contributed to the rise of Al'Q terrorism.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007