Confused Adult
so, i'm not financially set enough to move out yet, so I am pretty much stuck atm, I have a good job but no income yet, I get a half check from my last job which leaves me with 100$ coming in, I wont get a real check until around the 15th of november. Even then that will be a "training" check. No commisions, just the 11$ an hour. Although i have been working my ass off, I don't know what I'll actually see by then.
right after I posted this I had moved all my stuff to the living room while she was still moping in bed, acting angry at me for taking her phone to begin with. I didn't say anything, just started packing up my clothes and moving them to the living room.
I sat down out here with the laptop and started talking to a few people who chose to AIM me as requested, meanwhile she came out of her room and started cleaning the kitchen right next to me.
akward silence for about an hour, I'm looking up apartments and roommate needed listings at this point, she then comes over with pancakes and milk.
"what the fuck is this?"
"no i mean, why?"
"is this a peace offering?"
"they're pancakes"
she sits across from me and we just kinda stare at eachother over pancakes for the next half hour.
"I don't want you to leave"
"why? because you can't pay rent or something?"
"no I can pay rent"
"why would I stay?"
"I didn't do that stuff to hurt you, you don't know whats going on"
"I know that I was lead to believe that you wanted to get back together"
"I do!"
"you don't act like it! this shit hurts me"
"we're not together"
"I moved out here to have you remind me of that? thanks"
"We could still get together, I just dont think of you sexually"
"what the hell does that mean?"
"sex is just sex, I don't think it means anything anymore"
"it means a lot to me"
"everything is so black and white with you"
"this whole "getting back together" thing seems like a clear intention to me, you sucking some guy off in the back of a car seemed to scribble all over that fucking line, you did it, you knew it would hurt me, you did it anyway, you don't fucking care about me, you wouldn't have done it if you did.
"I care about you, I just don't think of us as a couple"
"whatever you told me you wanted me to move out anyway, you wanted to "chase me" because of your so called primal urges, I think it's bullshit, we're civilized human beings, not primitive animals. I'm sorry i'm not like every other guy who tries to win your affection by shoving his dick in your face"
"It's not like that"
"what the fuck, you didn't even KNOW the guy!, WHATS HIS NAME?"
"you want to turn this in to a fucking power trip, you want to hurt me so bad that I leave you, pissed, never want to talk to you, you want to do all of that so I move out and youc an chase me, why? so you can prove yourself as some sick fuck who loves to power trip on how bad they can hurt people yet still manage to fuck them? you've turned in to your ex"
"i know, it's fucked up, you're right, it's all a power trip"
"whu? you're agreeing?"
"It doesn't have to be like this"
"I fucking know it doesn't have to be like this, why do you think i'm so upset? You're the one fucking everything up, i've been here 1 week and all i've heard about is how much dick you can grab, not one fucking thing about us getting back together"
"I want to get back together, I'm just scared that I've become something I don't want to be, and it might hurt you"
"what do you mean?"
"I don't think of us as a couple right now, so for some reason it doesn't bother me at all, but this is hurting me too, watching how much it hurts you, I don't think I can do it anymore"
"what? sleep with other guys?"
"I don't know"
"figure something out then, I got my shit packed, i'm borderline ready to leave and wind up living in my dad's garage or something"
"why? what the hell is that going to do for your life? what would you do there?"
"I could get away from you"
"I don't want you to leave"
"then stop hurting me,stop treating me like this"
"just calm down and stop acting like you're my boyfriend"
"you just said you wanted to get back together"
"can you just please let things flow instead of trying to force it?"
"how many other people are you going to sleep with then? I was letting things "flow" when you were sucking cock on wednesday, I was letting things flow you you let alberto fuck you in his hotel room without protection, possibly making you pregnant, possibly giving you an STD, I was letting things flow when you called greg up and told him you were going to tell his gf that he cheated on her unless he fucked you, ON FUCKING MONDAY WHILE I WAS HERE"
"you don't know why I do these things"
"you couldn't possibly justify it"
"im not over him, I fucking hate him, I told him all that shit and did all of it to make him jealous"
"is that why you had me move over here then? for your little fucking game of power with you and greg? fuck that"
"no, I just need to transition"
"we've got some fucked up train going on here, I'm chasing you, you're chasing greg, greg is chasing jaquie, no one is fucking chasing me, i'm the goddamned caboose, it's fucking lonely and shit back here, people are supposed to pair off. You dumped him, he didn't want you anyway, deal with it."
"Why do you want to get with me so bad, all i do is hurt you"
"why do you want to get with greg so bad, all he does is hurt you"
"i hate him"
"what do you mean WHY? why not?"
"I wanna hear you say it"
"he told me he loved me, i moved out here for him, he was sleeping with other girls"
"oh my god"