Don't go for anyone named Amanda, I've only known horrible women with that name (no offense to any ladies here if you're name is Amanda).
I can't really relate because I'm the type of person who doesn't put up with that type of bullshit - no matter how stuck I am on a person. I mean you're not in denial, you know what she does, and you know she's going to continue. I think you need to get out and meet some new ladies. And move the fuck away.
But, I've had friends who just can't leave, no matter how much advice I give, no matter how many times they cheat on eachother, no matter how big of an asshole their partner is. I've given up on giving advice, because no one takes it. So, if you're not willing to take the advice from others, you probably will stop receiving it.
Last edited by Jenna; 10-28-2007 at 05:34 PM..