I hate the friends that take but never return, or return less of what was taken. (Happens way too often!)
It upsets me considerably when someone mixes butter w/ the peanut butter. Not only am i a vegan but I'm lactose intolerent to that shit!
I can't stand the lack of respect that many of my peers at school have. Total stangers and even ppl whom I know have taken food and drink from me right in front of my face w/out asking! I'll be like so how's that now and later tasting, then they'll act dumb. If there wasn't a law against homocide they'd be dead. They have also fucked with my other belongings such as pens, books, etc. They also dont pick up after themselves at the lunch table. I go to this rich all boys school and it drives me fucking mad how spoiled these kids are. I'm glad to have lived both sides public and private, but man these guys have much to learn.