Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
I think it's fascinating how many people are defending peoples worth in a relationship when they have NOT gone to college. I'm the 5th generation of my family to be in college and to get my degree. Why is it such a great thing for people who haven't gone to school but are very bright? I just don't see it.
I'm glad that James has his degrees, and I'm glad I'm on my way to get mine as well. I would never consider dating someone if they weren't in college or planning to finish. James is the same way, if I drop out it's a deal breaker. STRAIGHT UP.
I dated a non college oriented guy for a long time, he had no goals and he wasn't going anywhere. Abused marijuana too much, just a nothing kinda guy. I look back and I can't believe I let myself do it for long.
College is a requirement in my book, I don't care how smart you are without it. Also another thing, growing up my parents put a strict emphasis on education. Both of them have degrees and had to sacrifice 5 years of their lives for Uncle Sam in order to get G.I. Bill to pay for their college. So, with them having to do that and my sister and I having the opportunity not to have to do that, we were brought up knowing that college wasn't an option, it comes with the family name.
And yes I'm going to get barked on by lots of folks, well thats just my opinion.
I prefer college educated over not.
My future requires a college education. My kids will be the same way.
I think we have really multiple issues here which sort of clouds what people are talking about.
You come from a 5 generation college family, which is impressive because 5 generations ago college was a luxury. That same degree was worth more 5 generations ago then it is today, it was also most likely harder to get.
With about everyone who can going to college it begs the question is if its worth it for everyone. Sure is a great experience in itself, but when I think of some of these kids graduating with a degree in art history and 200k in debt from North Western I have to wonder if its the smart thing to do.
So while I've never dated anyone who wasn't in college (and then I got married to one) I can see under some circumstances where I could have without a problem. I do note that these are exceptions to the rule, not the rule itself.
I'm a snob in this regard, but only in that you have the knowledge, not in how you attained it. A non-college educated person who reads just
Science and
Nature is going to quickly catch up to all those college educated mothers in my office who are reading
People and surpass them in a short period of time.