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Old 10-13-2007, 06:36 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Shalimar, FL
like most of you, I'm just repeating.. but for good measure here is my list.. and not in any specific order

1. Intelligent/educated/well rounded - I can talk about stupid things, in fact I like it! I have the NEED to feed my brain and he must have it too. I also don't live inside a box, I've seen more than my hometown. Act like you have at least read about another place.

2. MUST be open minded - From a-z my parents raised me to keep an open mind about everything. Things we find weird may be normal to another person. As long as it's not illegal and doesn't involve the inappropriate use of each their own.

3. Sense of humor - I love to laugh. I also speak sarcasm. I also like stupid humor for some reason.(this is not the only humor I like but most women do not) If you can't make me laugh.. or laugh with me, we will have problems.

4. Financial stability - I know I'm in a deep pile of debt but I don't expect him to fix it. I expect the same from my man. Yes I live at home but I have also lived on my own. I could move out again if I wanted to. I also want someone who can share the tab on going out. I don't expect my man to pay all the time, in fact, I like paying sometimes. It makes me feel good.

5. Communication - I'm not a psychic or a mind reader. If I was, I'd have won the lottery moons ago. I also am not afraid to nicely tell you if something is bothering me. I expect the same.

6. Sex drive/zest for life - I think these two belong together because I've noticed people who "hate their life" have no sex drive. I've realized my life sucks sometimes but I also know things will work out so I've learned not to dwell on it. It sucks being all mopey and I have a better day(and better sex) when I'm happy.

7. Understanding/compassionate - I know "women love assholes" but I don't. I've dated many and in the end I hate being belittled. You're right, I don't speak car but I am willing to learn. You don't know how to cook but I don't rag on you for it. Also it is not wise to tell me 4 months into our exclusive relationship that I am fat. You chose to date me, I was the same size then as I am now. Were you expecting me to suddenly shed my layer of protective fat once winter was gone? I don't rag on you that since you enjoy my cooking so much you've gained a few pounds and now have to go and do mandatory PT 2x a day so you can meet the req's for your SSgt test. Also it's not always about right and wrong, I have opinions as do you. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree. (we are not the Buddy Bears)

8. Manners(maybe this falls into well rounded buuut..) - I don't think its sexy for a man to smack, burp or guzzle beer when we're out trying to have a sit down dinner or when I've taken the time to cook you a meal. Excuse me, please and thank you are part of the English language for a reason. Burping and farting are funny but there is a time and a place.

9. Independence - For a long time I thought I wanted someone I could do EVERYTHING with. Then I got a boyfriend that did that. I decided if I wanted a puppy dog, I'd adopt a freaking puppy. It's ok that we have different interest. I don't need to see you every second of every day. Though my current boyfriend could do a little better at saying HI on a daily basis. No I'm not complaining, he just doesn't always remember I worry that he might be dead in a black hole if he forgets to call me back or respond to a text message once a day. I also have my own friends as I'm sure you have yours. Sometimes I want to do things with just them.

10. Loyalty / Honesty - I don't mind that he has female friends because I have male friends. Looking is not cheating. I have no shame in pointing out a hot woman to him. However his lips to her lips, tab A in slot B or any other form of cheating is an immediate "GAME OVER". I may not like you dumping me but I have been cheated on and I have learned a few things. There are things that I can't change in this world and I have to accept them. I can't force someone else to like/love me. I'm going to cry, I'm going to hate you, I'm probably going to beg you to stay. In the end we both know that if you would rather see someone else it's better that you tell me before you cheat. I'll do the same for you. If you cheat on me, I promise on my grandfathers grave that I have no problem destroying your ego and anything meaningful to you. I am not a vengeful person but cheating is like an ultimate sin. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

and sorry I made it possessive, I just have to always over analyze
the voices in your head are not real--but they still have some really great ideas.

always remeber you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. CAN choose the insane asylum where you have them all put away!

Last edited by yellowchef; 10-13-2007 at 07:10 PM..
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