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Old 10-02-2007, 08:25 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Singapore/Malaysia
Oh how we all love making lists.

Especially ones that have all our wants on it. Aye, the human is quite the dreamer, eh?

Well, here's mine:

1. He has to be able to engage me intellectually in conversations. The first thing I notice about a guy is the way he speaks and the choice of words he uses. I instantly get attracted to good diction and sentence structuring. Call me weird. I would never date or consider someone who can't speak proper English. I enjoy the company of intellectuals- discussion about life and philosophy to me is like the coveted chocolate bar to a kid. I enjoy logical arguments. I enjoy debates. I enjoy seeking knowledge. I would, therefore, enjoy a man who can provide me with the luxury of being able to converse about philosophy, psychology, literature, politics or biology- and not bore me out while at it as well.

2. Spectacles. I have no idea why, but spectacles are a must. Must be the birds-of-a-feather syndrome I guess. I just find it SO sexy

3. I might be called colored here, but I'd prefer someone who is fair. I'm Asian, see, but I would make an exception for the tall, handsome but dark (skinned) gentleman. He has to exude this air of genteelness though.

4. Those superficial characteristics aside, next up is the gentleman attitude. Opening doors, carrying my bags, opening the car door ~ OH, HOW I DREAM. *slaps self for drooling*

5. He has to be humble. That's because I think I'm someone who needs to learn humility. What better way than to learn it from a significant other? xD

6. He has to be devoted to his religion (MY religion, that is) I'm not exactly a good example, and I need a guiding hand...

7. A GREAT sense of humor. This usually accompanies an outgoing personality. I don't take too well to hermits or shy people; and I have a lot of trouble with pessimists. They're just too emo! I hate it when I have to be the one to nurse a man's ego. If anything, I always crush their egos :O

8. Financially stable. Goes without saying.

9. Not TOO old, unless he looks hot when he's old. :/ (I'm only 19 for god's sake)

10. Last but not least... he cannot be smarter than me

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