ok so lets say I'm lazy (not a stretch) and cheap (a stretch, but i'm saving at the moment) and I found a place to live for an affordable amount that gets me the hell out of here.
lets say I wanted to condense to 1 carload of stuff and convert everything else to money (as in sell it off)
I'm having a hard time prioritizing what I want to keep/sell.
Half of me wants to "sell my life" and just take pictures of everything I own, pop it up on TFP and have you guys go at it like an internet rummage sale to send me packing on my way to the new life.
I don't own much, clothing, computer junk, but I think I may have an excess of audio gear
obviously that wont all fit into my car (to give you a frame of reference, that speaker box in the upper right takes up the entire trunk of my car)
My thing is, most of this stuff is fairly spendy, and has a horrible resale value. should I just suck it up and deal with it or be a packrat?
this is just one "wall" of stuff to sort through, I still have another "wall" of computer crap followed by another call of stuff in my closet. *sigh*
How do you prioritize when cutting down on stuff? (note, the records aren't going anywhere, stuff is expensive (10-15$ a pop) irreplaceable, and so niche it'd be hard to find a buyer for each one.