The funny thing about freedoms – or rights, as our Constitution labels them – is that you don’t have to justify a fucking thing to anybody when exercising them, and the exercising them isn't conditional based upon the tastes of those around you. What does it say about us that we tell them that they’re allowed to exercise their rights, just don’t expect us to support you when you say something we don’t like. If you support rights, you don’t put conditions on them.
No one said they can't say "Fuck Bush." No one said he couldn't pay for pamphlets on his own dime and pass them around saying it. However, when a paper makes money off of advertisements and public money the paper has to answer to those people who feed them money. Therefore, anyone who types on the paper has to answer for what they did.
This isn't a constitutional right situation is what I'm saying. This is a PR aspect that any company fights. A worker at McDonalds, according to your logic, has a right to yell, "N-gger!" at anyone he wants at work without reprocussions. How long do you think he would, or SHOULD work there in reality?