Together just over 10 years. There is an ebb and flow to it, but I don't notice too much. There are some weekends that we have sex 3 times and that could happen two weekends in a row then not happen again for a month or two. But that doesn't mean we're not having sex once in between. On average 2-4 times a week (might be a little optimistic).
I've been pretty open about my intentions with her from the start, though, making sex a key component of my relationship. I love her and consider her my best friend, but (almost equally, it would seem now that I'm typing this) she's also my sex partner. The friendship and the sex are all part of the same relationship. I find it hard to consider one without the other. (keeps me out of trouble with other women that way too. :-)
Overall, I'd say that there may be a little less dynamic passion since we were younger, but I've exchanged that for the depth of passion. Adding 2 kids and both in professiona careers haven't actually slowed the frequency of sex either, actually. The only time I think we didn't do anything was shortly after childbirth. We were having sex up until the day before we had our two kids. (I was wondernig if I was going to get questioned by the doctor during childbirth, actually, finding white sticky stuff...)
While she's had some concerns over body image (as I imagine we all do from time to time) she knows that I don't care. To reiterate what I read earlier, if you're e both working out and focusing on how to improve yourselves physically, improving your self mentally will follow and sex will be awesome...and more frequent. At least that's what we've found in the last couple of years.