Ok, threadjacking.
I won some free passes to a show in spokane and just posted up "hey looking for a concert buddy" on craigslist. Someone who was entirely disinterested in the concert and just wanted to make out with me (she says this in her 1st email to me) contacts me and says "hit me back for some pics"
so I'm like "meh, fine, lets see what this is" I email back something like "thanks for your interest, hit me with what ya got I guess" and she sends 2 pictures from a new email address that she says is her work address.
I do a google on the domain that her new email belongs to and it's like some anesthesiologist association or something.
I was kinda creeped out, and she wasn't my type anyway, looked like she was quite a bit older than me and etc insert shallow reasons here.
I coulda been raeped!