Many years ago I read an account of a large, powerful woman tying up a teenaged boy, inserting a probe in his anus to stimulate his prostate and induce an erection, mounting him and then strangling him while still riding on his erect penis. The fellow had declined her advances and apparently found her both unattractive and downright scary.
As I say, this is a vague recollection of an account going back over 30 years, so I really have no data or accurate information. Is there anyone out there who can confirm or deny that vigorous prostate massage will cause an erection in an unwilling male? I do know that erections caused by strangulation is a documented fact, and indeed in the good old days people used to collect the ejaculate from hanged men for purposes best left to the imagination. So a woman could bind a man and possibly choke him till he got hard, then fuck him. I would call that rape.
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
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