At the risk is being flamed for being politically incorrect, according to several sources, including my wife, some women do have rape fantasies and at times can get turned on by rough sex or while role-playing rape scenerios. Based on that, I'd conclude that some women have gotten aroused and have orgasmed during rapes.
The reason discussing this is politically incorrect is because some sick f***s use this information to justify their crimes, by saying "women like to be raped," or "she was enjoying it."
So for the record, in the VAST majority of cases, women DON'T want to be raped. It is an invasion and descrutction of her sole. Anyone interested in trying rape-role playing should first get the full consent of their partner and arrainge a safe word.
And yes, a man can be raped, but it must be a rare event, or they fall more into "quid pro quo" sexual harassment, such as a female boss pressuring a male employee to have sex with her.
BTW, if there are three hot women reading this board who'd like to do a role-play of forcing a man at gunpoint to have intercourse with all three of them, please send me a PM.