yes Im dragging up and old thread lol
Dave is a huge Dr Who fan, as is his father. He never misses and episode. Im not much into sci fi so I would just buys myself on the computer while he watches (I paid attention enough to know I didnt really care for Christopher Eccleston. I remember there was one episode that involved Queen Victoria that I actually watched and enjoyed,leave it to ME to start being interested in the episode that takes place in Scotland hehehe) so I started paying a little more attention.
well something has happened, I dont know if its because Im a David Tennant fan, or I wanted to be able to contribute to dinner conversations when we visited his parents or what but when season 3 started, I shut down the pc and watched (all the ones so far)
well.......Im hooked
I went to Dave's parents for dinner last nite and ended up leaving with the DVD's of the very first the episodes and the dvd collection of the Tom Baker years and season one and season two of the current ones (and random episodes of the Jon Pertwee ones). NOW Im glad his dad has been watching for however long he has. Poor man spent dinner last nite explaining things I didnt understand.
I just finished watching the very first episode