sounds like a light primer strike... did you disassemble and inspect the action once you got it?
The best course of action is going to be taking down and cleaning EVERYTHING with a good solvent - try Breakfree on anything that's real stubborn to move. Clean everything off with some good powder solvent like Hoppe's and oil 'er up with a light rust preventing oil - Breakfree CLP is my favorite, and you can find it at wal-mart. Make sure you take out the firing pin and clean it off, and clean out the firing pin channel - put some CLP on it, then wipe most of it off so it just leaves a thin film. Get any rust off as soon as possible - it eats guns like cancer. If this doesn't work, it's likely you've got a worn hammer or firing pin spring, or the hammer pivot or spring engagement surfaces are dirty, worn, or very rough.
How handy are you at polishing things? With most guns, the cleaner the action, the better they'll work. And you can perform a light polish on the parts to get them to break a little better. Bottomline: make sure everything's clean and has a *light* coat of a good oil on it - check back and let us know how it goes!
And that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be
This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again
how sheeps' bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
Oh, certainly, sir.