What does it mean to you?
**Edit: Please post what this writing means to you. There's no right answer, and most of the time I really have no intent to make it mean anything. I suppose I'm just trying to understand human condition.**
This is going to be pretty random stuff. It's the kind of thing that goes through my head a lot, sort of thoughts that seem disconnected, you know, lost from their original meaning. Anyway, I'm going to use it to practice my descriptive writing. I think after just one, you'll get the idea. Feel free to join in, critique, or just give your input. Um... let's begin.
**Edit2: I'll add titles so it will be easier to reference them.**
The breeze blows free and cool across the lawn, a breath of life from a distant source. Wherever it came from, wherever it's going, right now it's here. The leaves lay dead and forgotten on the ground, waiting simply to rot away. Then the breeze comes to them. For a brief joyous moment, they are again lifted from the earth, defying gravity as they once did, dancing elated. The breeze is a great healer, and passes through without malice. Until it feels pain. The howling wind will chill body and soul. It penetrates to the bone. Even on a warm night, one will shiver when they hear its suffering. Until the burden is too great. Its pain will spiral and spiral until the leaves are sent soaring to the heavens. The leaves do not care, for they were dead, but the constructions of man and beast are no longer immune. In its raging woe, the storm will send them flying. It will tear them apart. Until the world knows its pain. Its judgment is in perfect balance. It inflicts exactly what it once felt, and then it rages no more. Once again I will know the gentle breeze that comforted me like the breath of life.
Maybe the answer is in the very light reflected off our blades. Maybe that's what it means to be this creature known as samurai.
Last edited by Yukimura; 09-01-2007 at 06:23 PM..