Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
1: the intensity is what matters. Walking for an hour a day will keep your heart healthy and might burn a bit of fat, but a 5-minute jog to warm up, twenty minutes of intense running, and a short cool-down walk until your heart rate drops back down, done every other day, will make you lose weight.
While somewhat true there is a lot to be said for balance. HIIT is good as is building a base where your body learns to process fat more effectively for fuel. Most epople either work out too hard or not at all. And every body is different. What works most effectively for one doesn't work the same way for others.
For example, when forst starting out, walking is great and helps build a base. Later on, yu need to step things up a little. But not too much if weight loss is your only objective. Hell, you cam lose weight just by lifting if you do so 3-4/week and do 15-20 reps per set. No cardio there but is is a fat burning work out.
It all comes down to how much your body burns vs, how much you take in.