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Old 08-19-2007, 11:19 PM   #98 (permalink)
For example, because sexual climax involves the release of very powerful chemicals in the brain, it is possible to become addicted to these chemicals. The dynamics of such addiction are the same as other forms of addiction, i.e. escalation in dependence, leading to increasing demands for more intense experiences, which can lead to the use of pornography and even promiscuity, both of which are clearly sinful. Furthermore, because addiction soon becomes the most important thing in life, it may be considered a form of idolatry, another sin.
This is the steepest and most slippery slope I have ever seen. And idolatry can lead to replacing God with a false idol... oh. my. GOD... I'm going to start worshiping sperm?!

Originally Posted by parable
The Bible is clear, sexual immorality is prohibited by God. A survey of scripture reveals numerous instances in which sexually impure people are described. See Gen19:5, Gen19:30-38, Gen34:1-2, Gen35:22, Gen38:9, Gen38:14-18, Num25:6-14, Judg16:1, 1Sam2:22, 2Sam11:4, 2Sam13:14, 2Sam16:22, Hos1-2, John4, John8:1-11, Luke7:36-39, 1Cor5:1 and Rev2:20. The specific issues are homosexuality, incest, rape, adultery, refusal to father a child by the wife of a dead brother, fornication, sex in the tabernacle and in public, and leading others to sexual immorality. Lev18-20 prohibit incest, adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexuality, bestiality and sexual relations during menstruation. In all these, sexual relations with a partner are involved.
This is just one example, but for a person who proudly proclaims that he named himself after the ideal of "a story that relates a truth more profound than the story per se suggest superficially" you do A LOT of looking at bible verse and interpreting it literally.

That's a pretty glaring contradiction.

$0.02... Masturbation is not a sin, and won't lead you to being a prostitute or the antichrist.
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