i know dieting isn't as effective when dinner is the heaviest meal... but i also stay up late, so i don't go to bed on a full stomach. at the same time, i don't have a hard time falling asleep because of a grumbling gut when i do go to bed like i did when i tried it the "right" way chronologically. my point remains that i'm still on a diet and i'm still losing weight and waist, and i'm doing something thats working for me w/out harming my health.
next up, i have no idea how many calories i used to eat a day, but i'm pretty sure the smoothie i have for lunch or protein bar for dinner is a LOT less... even going as far as a third, considering lunch used to be chicken tenders and potato salad.
as for daily calorie intake, again i'm not a nutritionist, but is a big smoothie, a protein bar, and a real dinner really that bad a diet? i'm already feeling a lot better and have more energy than i did a week ago.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.