will.....I agree the Democrats were elected in part on the war issue...but hardly on the issues of spying and impeachment.
Howard Dean, the chair of the DNC, outlined their 6 point platform for 2006:
“In November, America will have a choice. And Democrats will work very hard over the next six months to make that choice very clear to the American people. We will put America first where it belongs again.
“Democrats will fight to raise the minimum wage. Hard-working Americans deserve a living wage. (accomplished)
“Democrats will fight for middle class tax fairness. (in progress)
“Democrats will fight for real reform and ethics legislation that includes a complete ban on gifts and travel from lobbyists, ending special interest provisions being added in the dead of night. (accomplished)
“Democrats will enact 100% of the 9/11 Commission recommendations: its time to inspect all cargo, lock down loose nuclear material and make sure we are prepared for disasters and for the aftermath of disasters. (accomplished)
“Democrats will fix the disastrous Republican Medicare Part D – we should be helping our seniors, not drug companies. (in progress)
“Democrats will ensure that 2006 is a year of transition in Iraq – the Iraqis need to take responsibility for their own future. It’s appalling that the President would say that this will be left to the next President. He owes it to the American people to get us out. (we shall see in the coming months)
These were the issues the Democrats campaigned on and the focus of most Democratic ads.. and the issues they were elected on.