This sort of thing has become a bit of a sport in the UK and the more anti-Rights portions of the US (although mostly still a UK thing.) It's called "Happy Slapping," and the idea is that one little charver prick takes pictures and movies while the other goes up and attacks a random person for no reason. Since the "youth" are subject to, at worst, an Anti Social Behavior Order (aka ASBO, which many regard as a badge of honour and does no real good), while defending yourself can easily result in Assault charges, it typically goes unpunished. Good to see the little shit get what was coming to him; now, if only that ex-boxer had kicked him in the face a few times it'd be even. Some people just need their asses kicked; this little twat was one of them. "Stupid" should hurt, and the kind of "stupid" that involves unprovokedly attacking other people should hurt badly and for a long time.
One of the little chav bastards tried that crap on a group of Gypsies down on Wenceslas Square a couple of weeks back...he might be getting out of the hospital around-about now. He should be glad he didn't do something even dumber, like going after a Russian.