Voting third party isn't only about trying to get fantastically unrealistic candidates into office. It's about making the other two parties come around to look for those voters. It's striking to me that the Dems claim to have lost the 2000 election by the margin of Nader's voters, but they haven't done shit to entice those folks to vote democrat, other than whine about how third-party voters put Bush in office. If that's as much as they want those votes, then the Democrats don't deserve them. If more and more people vote third party, then the big 2 will have to change substantively long before a Libertarian or Green gets into the White House.
Voting major party when in truth you are disillusioned is a short term strategy, and it enables the status quo. It keeps the object of change well within current boundaries. Tactical - maybe... Strategic, maybe not....
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam